Tag Archives: Earth Day

Episode 219, Apple celebrates Earth Day Saturday, April 22 with numerous special shows and events

In this episode, we will discuss Apple’s announcement this week of its progress toward climate goals while celebrating with numerous events for users to take part in during Earth Day, Saturday, April 22.  In celebration of Earth Day, Apple is offering a series of ways to help customers learn about and connect with the environment, and take action to reduce their impact on the planet.  For more information of the events at your nearest Apple Store, go to https://www.apple.com/today/collection/protect-our-planet-series/.

In Apple Fitness+, a new Time to Run episode takes inspiration from Joshua Tree National Park.
In Apple Podcasts, the “Revitalizing Our Home” collection features conversations and stories from a wide variety of voices.
Apple Watch users can earn a limited-edition award for Earth Day by completing any workout of 30 minutes or more on Sat, April 22.
Apple Books features “Explore the Green Girl’s Reading List,” a new collection curated by Leah Thomas, author of The Intersectional Environmentalist.

Episode 25, Exploring Apple Watch Fitness Awards; Earth Day Fitness Challenge; and Apple tops clean energy goal with new supplier commitments

We will discuss the Apple Watch Fitness Achievement Awards and learn how to use the information to get more awards.  We will also talk about the upcoming Apple’s Earth Day fitness challenge award on Monday, April 22.  To see more of Apple’s past awards, recommend you visit tech and fitness enthusiast Kyle Seth Grey’s website at www.kylesethgrey.com.  (If you own an Apple Watch, you may want to access your iPhone for this episode.) We will finish appropriately with an earth-friendly story from Apple News, announcing Friday, Apple has nearly doubled the number of suppliers that have committed to run their Apple production on 100 percent clean energy, bringing the total number to 44. (Lower graphics courtesy of Apple Inc.)

2019 Earth Day Special Fitness Award (Courtesy Kyle Seth Grey)
Earning fitness awards on your Apple Watch can be fun and motivating.
One of the many standardized awards.