Tag Archives: Alaska

Episode 220, Apple and Google lead initiative for an industry specification to address unwanted tracking by location devices

In this episode we will discuss Apple and Google leading and initiative for an industry specification to address unwanted tracking by location devices.

Episode 219, Apple celebrates Earth Day Saturday, April 22 with numerous special shows and events

In this episode, we will discuss Apple’s announcement this week of its progress toward climate goals while celebrating with numerous events for users to take part in during Earth Day, Saturday, April 22.  In celebration of Earth Day, Apple is offering a series of ways to help customers learn about and connect with the environment, and take action to reduce their impact on the planet.  For more information of the events at your nearest Apple Store, go to https://www.apple.com/today/collection/protect-our-planet-series/.

In Apple Fitness+, a new Time to Run episode takes inspiration from Joshua Tree National Park.
In Apple Podcasts, the “Revitalizing Our Home” collection features conversations and stories from a wide variety of voices.
Apple Watch users can earn a limited-edition award for Earth Day by completing any workout of 30 minutes or more on Sat, April 22.
Apple Books features “Explore the Green Girl’s Reading List,” a new collection curated by Leah Thomas, author of The Intersectional Environmentalist.

Episode 218, Steve Jobs Archive releases ‘Make Something Wonderful: Steve Jobs in his own words’; Two Apple Activity Fitness Award events announced

In this episode, we will discuss the release of a remarkable book titled Make Something Wonderful—subtitled Steve Jobs in his own words was released Tuesday, April 11.  In the second half of the podcast we will look at Apple’s announcements of Apple Watch Fitness Activity challenges for Earth Day and International Dance Day coming soon. 

The collection of Steve’s speeches, interviews, and emails is available to read for free on the https://stevejobsarchive.com website (Graphic courtesy of Steve Jobs Archive)
The Earth Day Fitness Challenge requires you to do any workout for 30 minutes or more on Saturday, April 22, and record your activity within the Workout watchOS app or any other app that adds workouts to the Health iOS app.
Earn this award by recording a Dance workout of 20 minutes or more on International Dance Day, Saturday, April 29. Record it with the Workout app or any app that adds workouts to Health.

Episode 217, Apple release iOS 16.4 and announces Worldwide Developer’s Conference June 5-9

In this episode, we will discuss Apple’s introduction of release of iOS 16.4, what changes it brings to users, and the announcement of the 2023 Worldwide Developer’s Conference starting on June 5.  You can find more information at the Apple Developer Site at https://developer.apple.com/wwdc23/special-event/

Entire conference available online for all developers, with a special in-person experience at Apple Park on June 5.  You can find more information on the Developer App or the Apple Developer Site.

Episode 216, Apple introduces ‘Apple Pay Later’ to allow consumers to pay for purchases over time

In this episode, we will discuss Apple’s introduction of ‘Apple Pay Later’ on Tuesday, March 28 to allow consumers to pay for purchases over time.  Apple Pay users can now split purchases into four payments with zero interest and no fees.  If you are looking for a way to afford a new computer listen to the podcast as ‘Apple Pay Later’ may be the way to do so.

Designed with users’ financial health in mind, Apple Pay Later allows users to split purchases into four payments, spread over six weeks with no interest and no fees.
Users can apply for Apple Pay Later loans of $50 to $1,000, which can be used for online and in-app purchases made on iPhone and iPad with merchants that accept Apple Pay.
Users can seamlessly view, track, and manage all of their loans in Wallet. They can also choose to see all upcoming payments on a calendar view in Wallet.

Episode 215, Apple introduces ‘Shop with a Specialist over Video’

In this episode, we will discuss Apple’s introduction of “Shop with a Specialist over Video”.  Learn how customers in the U.S. can now connect with an Apple Specialist using video to shop the iPhone lineup.  You can start the process shopping online for your next iPhone at the following Apple website: https://apple.com/shop/buy-iphone .

Using Shop with a Specialist over Video on apple.com, customers can connect with an Apple Specialist for world-class service and expert advice on selecting the best iPhone model and financing options for them.
The new Shop with a Specialist over Video experience on apple.com allows customers in the U.S. to connect with Apple retail team members via a safe and secure, one-way video shopping session.

Episode 213, Apple announces Apple Watch Activity Challenge for International Women’s Day; and Activity Awards company creates your achievements into beautiful magnets; and reported new Apple hardware coming

In this episode, we will talk about Apple’s upcoming Fitness Activity Challenge for International Women’s Day occurring next week, Wednesday, March 8.  Next story is about a product, available from an independent company, Activity Awards, located at www.activityawards.com, where you can turn your digital Apple fitness award into a beautiful magnetic pin resembling the award. We will finish the podcast with a story about a reported potential hardware release from Apple, specifically two iPhone models coming in the color yellow.
A graphic representation of the 2023 Women’s Day Fitness Award event that will occur Wednesday, March 8, celebrating International Women’s Day. 
A picture board of various past Apple Activity Fitness Awards that were available. More information can be found at the following Activity Award website at  https://activityawards.com.

Episode 212, Users can enable high and low heart rate notifications from Apple Watch

In this episode, we will discuss Apple announcements about heart health.  February is American Heart Month.  Many of us including myself are impacted or know someone who is affected by heart disease.   There is ongoing research and will talk about how your Apple devices can make a difference in the health of you and your loved ones. With heart health features — including high and low heart notifications, Cardio Fitness, irregular rhythm notifications, the ECG app, and AFib History — Apple gives users an ever-developing view of their health with actionable insights.

AppleWatch’s advanced technology provides insights to help users better understand their health and also has the potential to open the door to discovery for the research and medical communities.
Users can enable high and low heart rate notifications from Apple Watch.

Episode 211, Apple issues critical update correcting the triggering of erroneous emergency messages and dispatches; how to enable and disable crash detection

In this episode, we will discuss Apple issuing a critical updatie to 16.3.1 to correct a critical feature which has triggered erroneous emergency messages causing false dispatches.  This is an important to recreational enthusiasts who participate in activities where a fall may occur,  This patch is intended to correct the issue, however, we will tell you how to manually enable and disable crash detection .

Whether it’s skiing, snowboarding, tubing or sledding, any recreational sport where a fall is possible, this Apple update is a necessary and needs to be made as quickly as possible.
We will also tell you how to turn on and off crash detection is desired.

Episode 209, It’s back… Apple’s new generation of HomePod with breakthrough sound and intelligence

In this episode, we will discuss the second generation of the Homepod which was thought by all to be vintage never to be seen again.  The first generation delivered incredible audio quality.  This new generation is designed to bring enhanced Siri capabilities, and a safe and secure smart home experience.

HomePod features a gorgeous design with seamless, acoustically transparent mesh fabric and a backlit touch surface.
HomePod is packed with Apple innovations, Siri intelligence, and smart home capabilities, while delivering a listening experience.